
Natural Source of Carrageenan

Carrageenan makes up approximately 55% of its volume in Sea moss. Therefore it’s a natural source of carrageenan and that is what helps it “gel.”

You might freak out upon reading “carrageenan” as it has been linked to being “bad” for human consumption, causing intestinal inflammation in some people. But there is a difference between a carrageenan extract and how it occurs naturally in whole seaweed.
As you know, any isolated compound extracted from its whole food will be devoid of nutrients and the same goes for carrageenan that has been extracted from red seaweeds.
Sea moss is perfectly healthy and safe to consume as it’s not just an isolated form of carrageenan, but instead a whole food.


It is said to be one of nature’s best foods for thyroid support, helps soothe and heal the digestive tract, is jam-packed with potassium and helps us detoxify by drawing out heavy metals.

Tropical Application

Common beauty products that incorporate sea moss include:

  • Lotions
  • Body oils
  • Face masks
Super Food

Sea moss has very little taste. Some people may refer to it as a superfood due to its large amounts of nutrients and vitamins. Some people may eat sea moss plain, but most people will use it as a substitute for other nutrient-dense greens in recipes.

Use Of Sea Moss

Irish Sea Moss can be consumed in foods or applied directly to the skin. Both methods can have extremely positive health outcomes if used properly.

Sea Moss Nutritional Benefits

The healthful properties of Irish moss include Vitamins A, E, F and K, calcium, potassium, and sulfur. It is also a naturally occurring source of iodine, which can be difficult to include in one’s diet through food alone (making iodized salt the most common source), and is especially important for supporting healthy thyroid functioning. Rich in potassium chloride, Irish moss can work wonders for congestion and mucous and holds anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It’s also thought to be good for dry skin and for skin conditions ranging from eczema to psoriasis, making it a valued ingredient for lotions and moisturizers.

It is often said that sea moss has “92 minerals out of the 102 minerals that the body needs.” however, sea moss (like any seaweed) is a great addition to have in an overall healthy diet as it is nutrient-dense.

Benefits when taken orally:
  • Improved immunity, due to its large amounts of vitamins and antioxidants
  • Improved digestion, due to its bacteria-fighting capabilities
  • Replenishment of essential vitamins
Benefits when applied topically:
  • Skin protection
  • Minor wound treatment
  • Potential anti-aging properties
Topical Application

Irish sea moss is often incorporated in skin creams. One study found citrulline-arginine, a substance found in this sea moss, can reduce skin aging. The substance protects the skin by promoting cell growth and metabolism. When found in skin creams, citrulline-arginine can also shield the skin from deteriorating in cold, dry climates or even treat minor wounds. Common beauty products that incorporate sea moss include:

  • Lotions
  • Body Oils
  • Face Masks

If you purchase a product containing sea moss, make sure to follow the label’s instructions on how to apply it to your body, how long to let it sit and how to clean it off. Different products may have varying application instructions.

As A Superfood

Similar to parsley or other garnishes, sea moss has very little taste. Some people may refer to it as a superfood due to its large amounts of nutrients and vitamins.